Ever wonder how someone can lose or gain weight faster than you? Or how a person can gain muscle and look shredded by practically looking at a set of dumbbells, while it takes you much longer to gain even a “bump” in your biceps? I get questions all the time from people wondering how I stay so lean. I used to remark it had a lot to do with my genes. However, I realized it was mostly due to my body type that it was harder for me to gain size, muscle and ultimately remain so thin. Knowing and understanding your body type helps you become more aware of your body and the nutritional needs and workouts to remain healthy and reach your fitness goals.
Let’s breakdown the 3 different body types:
· Mesomorph – One word description: muscular. Mesomorphs can gain muscle relatively easily than any other body type. They are considered the most energetic, athletic looking body type of the other two, being physically capable to perform several activities. Their thick, muscular bones are credited to their rectangular shape. Mesomorphs have well-defined chests, shoulders, buttocks, thighs and calves. They sound like Greek Gods, don’t they? Well, there’s always a flaw somewhere. Mesomorphs aren’t the most flexible, and even though fat is distributed evenly throughout their bodies, if they are not active or involved in some form of physical activity to maintain their muscle size and shape, they can become overweight. As a result, it is imperative that mesomorphs are conscious of their diet, consuming low-fats and low-calories.
· Ectomorph – Better known as the slim Jim’s of the body types, are lean. Ectomorphs have a high metabolism and cannot gain weight easily. They are usually tall and slender (some may even say lanky with long arms and legs), with a delicate build, narrow hips and pelvis. Ectomorphs do not receive as much love as the other body types because of their build and ability to burn calories when they sleep. As much as people think ectomorphs have an edge in the competition, gaining muscle mass or size is very difficult. Specialized workouts and a high-calorie diet is essential for ectomorphs muscle and weight gain.
· Endomorph – Soft and curvy, endomorphs tend to be very shapely. Endomorphs have the most body fat and prone to excessive weight gain than the other two body types. Weight is distributed to middle and lower half of their bodies. Endomorphs are typically shorter and stockier, slow metabolism, and not-so well defined muscles. To lose weight, endomorphs are encouraged to include cardio and weight-lifting within their fitness routine, as well as a low fat, low calorie diet.
So, based on that information, if someone were to look at me they would see that I am an ectomorph, as clear as the blue sky. I am sneered and jeered quite often because of my ability to eat relatively anything I want and not gain weight as quickly as others do. I had to understand why this was so and how to educate others on what they needed to do to reach their fitness goals. I never knew about body types, but when it was brought to my attention everything finally made sense. I could look at someone and have them describe to me their eating habits, their workout regimen, and their weight and determine what their body type was and what was needed to reach their goals from a nutrition and fitness standpoint. It’s all about educating yourself and educating others that helps you understand your health journey and working with others to create their own. Know your body type, listen and observe what your body is saying to you. You have to live with it every day. You might as well understand it, learn from it, and pass your discoveries on to other people.
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