The basics: an ectomorph body type is lean/skinny, less muscle mass, small bones and joints, high metabolism, and essentially, everyone hates you because you are this way. Maybe not so much the latter, but not much of a stretch. Because your body is already lean you have sort of an edge in the competition, but not by much. You still have to gain and maintain muscle mass. This is probably the hardest part.
Because our bodies naturally burn a lot of calories and our metabolism is high, ectomorphs are advised to keep cardio training at a minimum. Cardio is still essential, but it can include certain types of cardio workouts such as circuit training or HIIT style (kettle bell swings, push ups, sprints, etc.). These should be kept to at least 30 minutes. Workouts such as dead lift, lateral pulls, jump squats with the bar, dumbbell curls, calf raisers, bench press, squats (the list goes on and on) are vital in muscle growth, in addition to eating the right nutrients and supplement intake (amino acid, protein shake, creatin). Some are against ectomorphs taking supplements because our bodies do not need it. However, if you are in a sport like body building or just want to gain it is essential in getting them into your system because of how it works consistently with your workouts and dieting. At least for me it does.
One other challenge I continued running into was eating. I did not know what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, etc. All I knew was that I had to eat properly because my brain has been trained that when your body feasts on improper eating habits (fried fatty foods, high sodium, high glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose...sugar) it will suffer and the end results, at least the ones I've seen in my family, are not good. My mother suffers from high blood pressure which has resulted in her having multiple strokes. I saw this and immediately wanted to change my eating habits and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. Everything comes with a price. Literally. The price of organic vs. non organic is about $5, and that is not an exaggeration from the stores I shop at. Or taking organic out of the equation, a box of cookies at $2.50 vs. a bag of kale chips at $5.60. Seriously, if you don't grow your own foods you're liable to go broke if you live on a budget and trying to eat healthy. This is a sacrifice I was willing to make for competing. The key to remember for ectomorphs is we can essentially eat what we want, in moderation of course, but smart and healthy. Breaking up large meals into smaller portion sized meals throughout the day is beneficial.
Thanks, Andrea. Great information!