Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cucumber Benefits

I never liked cucumbers.  I never knew any of the healthy, nutritious facts tied to cucumbers, nor did I care, at the time.  Whenever someone said cucumbers I automatically thought pickles (pickles are preserved cucumbers in vinegar).  The only thing I liked about cucumbers were the body washes and lotions that combined cucumber and melon.  During my health journey, I discovered some amazing health facts about cucumbers.  Not many people know the benefits of cucumbers and the nutrients they are packed with.  They are more than just slices women put over their eyes to reduce puffiness during girl’s night (I watch too much television).  They serve as a health benefit associated to your overall well-being. 
Here are the facts:
·         They act as a diuretic, flushing out fat cells and increasing energy levels
·         The nutrients in cucumbers include vitamin A, B1, C, D & K, calcium, fiber, iron, folate, magnesium and potassium
·         Promotes joint health and relieves arthritis
·         Regulates blood pressure, fights cancer and reduces cholesterol
·         Can be used as a facial wash or detox cleanse
·         Cures hangovers (I do not promote drinking, however, for some this is relatively important fact)
Now that you are up to speed with the health benefits of cucumbers, I suggest incorporating them in your diet.  Adding a few slices in your water is not only healthy but refreshing.  Think about it, you are essentially drinking your nutrients and benefitting from the fiber content.  And of course simply eating cucumbers is a plus as well.  My relationship with cucumbers has improved, overall.  When I hear cucumbers I cannot help but include the health facts I’ve learned.  I’m not one of those annoying health nuts that feels the need to jump into every food discussion and add her two cent information, but I do like to educate people on what I know from my unbiased perspective.  Add a punch to your health and wellness and give cucumbers a shot, who knew about all the benefits!

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