Monday, November 25, 2013

Work With Your Immune System, Not Against It

It's that time of year, where germs are spread more than icing on a red velvet cake.  That is why it is imperative to keep your body healthy and to boost your immune system to ward off any illnesses seeking to disrupt your holiday jolly time.  Essentially, your immune system acts as a protector against germs so that your body will not inevitably shut down.  Incorporating healthy eating choices into your diet and generally understanding your body and how your immune system works allows you to develop a more conscious and healthy lifestyle.

We inhale thousands upon thousands of germs each day.  Take a moment to think about that.  Each time you breathe, you are breathing in millions of germs surrounding you, just floating around in the air without a care in the world.  Knowing this, it makes sense to prep your body for illnesses attempting to attack it.  That's why we boost our immune system.  The same way a company gives out incentives to its employers to boost or strengthen the morale within the workplace so that everyone is happy and on the same page, is the same way our immune systems are boosted.  We want our immune system strengthened so that when germs (bacteria and viruses) attempt to enter our body and shut it down, it will serve as a blocker against them.

Ways to boost your immune system:
  1. Drink water - we want to flush out the toxins from our bodies.  The way to do that is staying hydrated.  Another benefit is it helps digest food.  A strong digestive system allows nutrition to distribute adequately.
  2. Eat smart, eat healthy - eating gobs of hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, pizza, and drinking soda sounds like a good time, and it's an even better time for those germs to slip in and take over because your immune system is not receiving any nutrients from these types of foods.  Citrus fruits loaded with Vitamin C, foods rich in protein (chicken, fish, turkey, lean cuts of beef), quinoa, black beans, spinach, lemon, ginger, garlic, broccoli, kale, sweet potatoes, all are better alternatives for boosting your immune system.
  3. Adequate amounts of sleep - it goes without saying; if you do not get enough sleep, your body will shut down on you.  It needs rest to refuel energy levels so that you can do what you did the day before 10 x's better the next day. 
  4. Proper hygiene - it is simple; wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, brush your teeth, wash your hair, face and body.  Period.
  5. Check ups - it is necessary to make sure your vitals are still vital and your ticker is still ticking. 
  6. Exercise - this one is my favorite, naturally.  Maintaining a consistent workout plan throughout your week strengthens your body, while your blood is able to flow easier and pumps rapidly.
In order to stay healthy we have to be healthy.  We have to know what germs are surrounding us and the ways to prevent them from entering our body.  Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Joys of Being an Ectomorph; My Body Type

As I've stated in earlier posts, I am an ectomorph.  I was not made known of this until I started taking fitness more seriously and got into fitness modeling.  At that point, it was important to learn my body. I couldn't figure out why I could not gain weight or keep muscle, no matter how much I ate, how much I lifted, and how much I prayed for the weight gain (exaggerating).  I dismissed it and said it must be genetic, so I better eat all I can now because when I get older it is not going to be the same.  This was easy to do, but being that I was now competing and showing off my body against other females who could pack on more muscle in a day than I could in a month made me more alert and wanting to know more about my body and what I needed to do to gain size.

The basics: an ectomorph body type is lean/skinny, less muscle mass, small bones and joints, high metabolism, and essentially, everyone hates you because you are this way.  Maybe not so much the latter, but not much of a stretch.  Because your body is already lean you have sort of an edge in the competition, but not by much.  You still have to gain and maintain muscle mass.  This is probably the hardest part. 

Because our bodies naturally burn a lot of calories and our metabolism is high, ectomorphs are advised to keep cardio training at a minimum.  Cardio is still essential, but it can include certain types of cardio workouts such as circuit training or HIIT style (kettle bell swings, push ups, sprints, etc.).  These should be kept to at least 30 minutes. Workouts such as dead lift, lateral pulls, jump squats with the bar, dumbbell curls, calf raisers, bench press, squats (the list goes on and on) are vital in muscle growth, in addition to eating the right nutrients and supplement intake (amino acid, protein shake, creatin).  Some are against ectomorphs taking supplements because our bodies do not need it.  However, if you are in a sport like body building or just want to gain it is essential in getting them into your system because of how it works consistently with your workouts and dieting.  At least for me it does.

One other challenge I continued running into was eating.  I did not know what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, etc.  All I knew was that I had to eat properly because my brain has been trained that when your body feasts on improper eating habits (fried fatty foods, high sodium, high glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose...sugar) it will suffer and the end results, at least the ones I've seen in my family, are not good.  My mother suffers from high blood pressure which has resulted in her having multiple strokes.  I saw this and immediately wanted to change my eating habits and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.  Everything comes with a price.  Literally.  The price of organic vs. non organic is about $5, and that is not an exaggeration from the stores I shop at.  Or taking organic out of the equation, a box of cookies at $2.50 vs. a bag of kale chips at $5.60.  Seriously, if you don't grow your own foods you're liable to go broke if you live on a budget and trying to eat healthy.  This is a sacrifice I was willing to make for competing.  The key to remember for ectomorphs is we can essentially eat what we want, in moderation of course, but smart and healthy.  Breaking up large meals into smaller portion sized meals throughout the day is beneficial.
At the end of the day, ectomorphs are rare and unique in true form.  While our bodies, for the most part, appear lean and lanky, there are tricks of the trade to learn in order to even out our body, and by that I mean shaping it into a form that suits us.  My form consists of tightness and definition, one that I am proud to say took hard work to develop, so naturally I cannot go back to the way I was just to start over again.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kale vs. Spinach; My Preference and Benefits for Fitness Modeling

My trainer and I have gone back and forth on kale and spinach.  Both are clearly healthy choices in the leafy greens department, you can't go wrong with either.  Some nutritional facts point to kale (all hail kale!), where it is high in vitamin A, C, & K, low calorie, anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol, good source for bones, eyes, skin and reduces risk of heart disease and cancer.  Then you have spinach that lowers blood pressure, fights cardiovascular disease and stroke, aids in digestion, contains folate/folic acid (this is especially important for women who are pregnant), high in iron, fights psoriasis, acne and wrinkles.  And who can forget this being the go-to veggie for good ole Popeye, so naturally it's a good source of fiber and strength as well.  So why the back and forth?  Because one says eat more kale and the other insists on eating spinach.

Being a fitness competitor I have to make sure I have a balance of nutrients in my diet during competition prep, otherwise my body will not hold muscle, I'll be weaker and my workouts will be tougher to manage.  Ideally, it would seem as though I would include both kale and spinach in my diet because of all the health benefits tied to each, right?  Not quite.  While both aid in muscle growth I can't help but feel as if I'm a spinach kind of girl.  Not to say there's anything wrong with kale.  In fact, if cooked properly, kale tastes a little better than spinach.  A little.  The texture is a little tough, but so is steak and kale actually has more iron than beef.  So what's my beef with kale?  There isn't one.  I just love the way spinach cooks and the things I can prepare with it.  I love making spinach casserole dishes, and pairing spinach with fish and mixed vegetables.  It is an elegant presentation.  Or drizzling some olive oil, sprinkling some pepper and salad seasoning and splashing some vinegar on it makes a wonderful meal.  Now don't get me wrong, there are many ways to prepare kale and making it presentation worthy, not to mention kale chips are amazing, but I can't let seem to let go of the idea that spinach is my go-to leafy green.

Some people may think it is a little outlandish to think that one is better than the other, especially if you are in a sport like body building where both greens would work better for your body if equal amounts are consumed.  I do not dismiss those claims.  However, I believe as long as you consume one or the other rather than none your body is happy regardless.  It's not uncommon for people to prefer one food over another.  It just so happens I prefer spinach over kale.  Both good sources of nutrients, both excellent agents in minimizing fat storage and building muscle, both good sources on the road to clean eating.  But I like spinach.  It's not a crime.  But my goal next year is to incorporate more kale into my diet so I will have a good balance.  But I'll still prefer spinach.  Period. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fitness Is My Boyfriend

All my ex's and the guys waiting in the wings for me, please pay very special attention to this message. I have a new boyfriend named Fitness (fancy isn't it 😉). We were kind of "talking" and "just friends" for a while until sometime last year when I made my feelings known that I wanted more of a serious commitment. He agreed and said he would do anything it takes to keep me right; mind, body and spirit. Doesn't that sound like a keeper?? 

So here we are, a year and four months later, and we're still going strong. Don't get me wrong, we've had our blow-ups and I've almost ended the relationship a few times. But something in me won't give up on us. It's all in how he makes me feel, not to mention look. I feel and look better than I ever have in my entire life, and I owe that all to my boo, Fitness (such a fancy name!). We've done things together I never thought I could do or even wanted to do.  He's kind of wild and exciting, spontaneous. And he wears me out 😝!  Sorry ladies, he's allllll mine!! I know I won't be giving him up without a fight, because he taught me how. 

So to my love, my heart, I say I love you with all my aching muscles. I will never cheat on you nor will I give up on you as long as blood pumps through my veins. Our bond is as strong as two 45 lb plates resting squarely on my shoulders as I squat. You planked me with your love and I reciprocated by bench pressing your heart to mine. You don't consider me a dumbbell when I do an exercise wrong. Instead, you arm curl me to your chest and show me how to do it right. You're not easy on me, though. I can handle that. You're my iron therapist on days when I have issues, and my beast on those...other days. I'm a lucky girl to have such a strong man in her corner 😉. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

But I'm Tired....Days When I Feel Like Giving Up

Not everyday is happy, sunny, running barefoot in the meadows wonderful when I workout.  There are days when I'm physically and mentally exhausted.  Too tired to think, speak, and even move. Somehow, I manage to do it, but barely. There are times where I actually argue with my trainer, completely blow-up. Cuss, fuss, then storm out.

During these times, when I'm completely drained, I get into discourage mode and want to give up.  I'm talking throw up both hands, back away dramatically and say, "F this s*it!"  Many things play a role in this state of mind; work stress, finances, the physical pain and strain to my body, results not showing fast enough, and, the biggie, what is the end goal here and what am I doing this for?  I've mentioned my whole stress process in a previous post, it gets pretty ugly, fast, and before I know it everything has spiraled out of control. The days where I feel like giving up I have to think of the things that have gotten me to that point and is the end goal, what I'm working hard to achieve, worth all of this.

One side of me says, "But I'm hangry (combination of hungry and angry) and I just want a cookie and to punch somebody!" The other side of me says "Stop being a baby, get it together and quit trippin'!" The results aren't going to get there without hardwork behind it. So, I wipe my face, dust off my shoulders and get back in the lab and do, what I consider, is my best.   

Days I feel like giving up don't last long because my fight, dedication and determination is stronger than it ever has been. I figure something that's hanging on as tightly as fitness and fitness modeling isn't worth giving up on. It's more push to keep it going and fight those urges I have to "give up" as hard as I can. 

So I continue dieting when I don't want to, workout when my body aches, and shake off those sissy "give up" feelings.  Because at the end of the day, proving to myself I can conquer all of this and finally be great at something is not just the push but the "shove" I need to step up to the plate and get it. I'm hangry for it!